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Exploring the Future of Blockchain Gaming: Trends and Opportunities

Projections for the global gaming market in 2023 estimate total revenues will reach $187.7 billion, which represents a modest year-over-year (YoY) growth rate of +2.6% despite economic headwinds. Looking forward, the gaming industry is expected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of +4.2% into 2026.

The total number of video game players worldwide is projected to hit 3.38 billion in 2023, representing a YoY increase of +6.3%, with mobile gaming accounting for most of these new players added. In terms of regions, the Asia-Pacific region accounts for the largest portion of global video game players, with over half of the total. In terms of gaming platforms, mobile games dominate around 50% of the gaming revenues.

For blockchain gaming, the market size is valued at over $3 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow to between $65 to $90 billion by 2030, with key drivers including more investment and funding in blockchain games, adoption of NFTs, and innovative business models.